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Drum Roll for the Woodpecker, One of the UK’s Best Loved Birds

August 14th, 2024|

Reading Time: 10 minutes One of the most intriguing and evocative sounds in British woodlands is the Woodpecker tapping on tree trunks. But is the UK home to any other varieties of Woodpecker and if so, do they drum? In this blog, we take a closer look at one of Britain’s best loved and most iconic birds and unveil the secrets of their unique behaviour.

Ahoy the Mighty Macaws – the Pirate’s Favourite!

July 8th, 2024|

Reading Time: 15 minutes Mention the word parrot and the first thing many people think of is a Macaw. Sat abreast many a pirate’s shoulder in books, TV, films and cartoons, these colourful, long-tailed birds are big, beautiful, instantly recognisable as the archetypal parrot, and always happy to take a tasty treat from their owner.

Ground Nesting Birds

April 23rd, 2024|

Ground Nesting Birds In an earlier article, we looked at nesting behaviour in wild birds and how you could use this knowledge to encourage birds to nest in your garden. In that article we talked about birds that nest in [...]

Incredible Journeys – Bird Migration Explained

February 19th, 2024|

Reading Time: 11 minutes While many species of bird make the UK their home all year round, some just visit for the summer or winter months and then head off to distance shores for the rest of the year. In this blog, we examine bird migration, taking a deep look into one of nature’s most spectacular phenomena to find out more about what makes it possible.

Wildlife Project on Our Doorstep is a Wonderful Initiative

December 14th, 2023|

Reading Time: 7 minutes As a business that makes top-quality feeds and homes for wildlife, we like to support grassroots initiatives that care for wild birds and animals and creates space for them to flourish. That’s why we were delighted to find a project creating a habitat for wildlife in Gilberdyke, the village next to where we’re based.

A Guide to Greenfinches

August 7th, 2023|

Reading Time: 9 minutes Greenfinches might not have the range of colours of their Goldfinch cousins, but they are still have a spectacular plummage. They are also viewed as one of the best starter birds you can buy by many aviary keepers because they tend to be fairly hardy, have a good song, and don’t have any specific needs that require the management of an experienced keeper.

Attracting Nature’s Acrobats – Grey Squirrels!

May 16th, 2023|

Reading Time: 9 minutes Love them or hate them, there’s no denying Grey Squirrels can be playful and fun to watch. They are nature’s daredevils and acrobats, climbing the thinnest branches and leaping from tree to tree; they put even the greatest trapeze artists to shame.

Wrens – Tiny Birds with Huge Voices

October 12th, 2022|

Reading Time: 9 minutes The Wren is one of the birds we get asked about most often. Whereas the majority of people know about and can readily identify a Robin, Blue Tit, or Sparrow, they’re less confident about Wrens in terms of behaviour, when, where and how to see them, and what food to put out.

What’s Not to Love About the Colourful Lovebird?

August 26th, 2022|

Reading Time: 12 minutes Sometimes referred to as ‘pocket parrots’ due to their size, they are colourful, charming characters that can make adorable pets. With a name like Lovebird, it’s not surprising these are among the most popular small parrots to own.

Fledglings – the Teenagers of the Avian World!

April 11th, 2022|

Reading Time: 8 minutes With the nesting season well underway, the first fledglings of the year will soon climb precariously from their cosy homes and make a leap of faith into the big, wide world. Just like a young person leaving home for the first time, this is their chance to spread their wings.

How to Tame (Train!) Your Budgie

April 11th, 2022|

Reading Time: 10 minutes One question we get asked fairly often is how to tame a Budgie. We’ve always found this a bit of a strange enquiry because like most birds that live in flocks in the wild, Budgies are very sociable and enjoy human company. As such, they don’t need to be tamed per se.

We Know You Love Birds but Spare a Thought for Everyone’s Favourite Prickly Visitor – the Hedgehog

November 15th, 2021|

Reading Time: 9 minutes We’re all about wildlife. That’s why we couldn’t resist bringing you an article about that wonderful little garden visitor, the Hedgehog. Sadly, the west European Hedgehog was officially classed as vulnerable in 2020 as numbers have been declining recently. As a result, it is imperative that those of us who care for wildlife do everything we can to protect this spiky little character.

What Not to Feed Wild Birds

September 17th, 2021|

Reading Time: 7 minutes As one of the leading bird food manufacturers in the UK, you would expect our website to be full of handy advice on what to feed birds, both kept and wild, all year round. Of course, that is the case, and if you search our site, you’ll find lots of advice on keeping wild birds, aviary birds and parrots happy and healthy all year round.

Helping Our Customers to Help the Environment

September 16th, 2021|

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a business that takes our commitment to the environment very seriously, we are always searching for new ways to become more sustainable. So, when we heard some of our customers were having trouble recycling the plastic sacks we use for our wild bird food, we decided to do something about it.

Bird Tables – Everything You Need to Know!

July 26th, 2021|

Reading Time: 9 minutes There is no garden, yard, or other outdoor space that we can think of that cannot be enhanced by a bird table. Watching and listening to the throng and chatter of a spectacular range of feathered visitors, your spirits cannot help but be lifted and your well being enhanced. It is a win-win. Peace of mind for you and a healthy, sustaining meal for the birds.

What do Robins Eat?

July 23rd, 2021|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Robins are one of the UK’s favourite garden birds. And it is easy to see why. This gorgeous little visitor is surrounded by myth and folk law, immortalised in song, and strongly associated with that most wonderful time of the year – Christmas. They are one of tamest British birds around humans, often feeding around people seemingly without a care in the world. It is no wonder thousands of us are so keen to attract this beautiful little visitor to our gardens.

Parrots –How to Manage Coming Out of Lockdown

April 26th, 2021|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Covid-19 has put a huge amount of stress on all of us, whether we’ve suffered from the virus or not. It’s no wonder people have turned to pets for companionship, fun, stress relief and entertainment in large numbers. But, with lockdown restrictions now loosening, and homeworking being wound down, there are fresh challenges on the horizon for everyone, not least for the birds and animals in our lives.

What to do if a Baby Bird Falls Out the Nest

March 19th, 2021|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Spring is a magical time of the year when the world re-awakens from its long winter snooze and greets us with new colour, beauty, and life. It’s also one of the best times to watch the birds in your garden as new mums and dads frantically fly around collecting enough food to raise their brood and prepare them for the biggest moment of their young lives – the day they finally leave the nest.

Give Your Conure a Health Fix with our Latest Mix

March 19th, 2021|

Reading Time: 5 minutes Johnston & Jeff has conjured up a new blend for Conures to help owners keep their pets healthy. Conure Mix has been developed by the leading Yorkshire manufacturer in partnership with top breeder Cheryl Robinson of Riverside Aviaries, resulting in a blend specifically formulated for this type of parrot.

Beat the Lockdown Boredom Blues with our Bird-Based Activity Pack

January 12th, 2021|

Reading Time: 9 minutes We have put together some fun bird-based activities that you can do with your kids. You can download and print all the activity pages. We have a choice of colouring pages, a step-by-step guide on how to make an origami bird, and a spotters guide to the wild birds you'll find in your garden.

A Guide to Common Parrot Welfare Issues and Parrot Illnesses

October 31st, 2020|

Reading Time: 10 minutes As responsible pet owners, it’s our duty to ensure we provide top-notch care for our parrots. This starts with basic duties such as feeding the right food at the right times, keeping their enclosure clean, spending time with your pet, and allowing them to get as much exercise as they need ...

The Importance of Cleaning Your Bird Feeders and Tables

October 30th, 2020|

Reading Time: 8 minutes With lots of birds visiting your feeders and bird table on a daily basis, it is essential to keep your feeding equipment clean to avoid the risk of infection. After all, with birds being in such close contact around the feeders, if one is carrying an infection it can soon spread.

Budgies – the UK’s Favourite Pet Bird

October 29th, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes Budgies – also known as parakeets – are the most popular companion bird in the UK and it is easy to see why. These colourful little birds are every bit as intelligent as their bigger cousins, but at just seven or so inches in height, they take up much less room than an African Grey or ...

Talking Parrots – What You Need to Know to Get Started

October 27th, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes Many people are first attracted to parrots because of their ability to ‘talk’. And you can understand why. Often, talking parrots are hilarious and a large section of YouTube is given over to entertaining videos of parrots cracking jokes and generally saying funny things. But how is it a species of ...

What do Blue Tits Like to Eat?

October 24th, 2020|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Alongside the Blackbird and the Robin, the Blue Tit must be among our most treasured garden birds. Instantly recognisable due to their multitude of colours – blues, greens, yellows, blacks and whites – they are one of the commonest and chirpiest visitors to our feeders and bird tables.

Canaries – the Musicians of the Aviary Bird World

October 21st, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes When it comes to aviary birds, the undisputed king of the call is the canary. Just as the beautiful, bright colours attract people to the Gouldian finch, and the ability of the African Grey to talk makes them so popular, the melodious song of the humble canary is the number one reason ...

A Guide to Parrot Housing and Enrichment

October 21st, 2020|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Once you’ve decided on the type of parrot that’s best for you, it’s time to think about getting an enclosure for your new pet to live in. Obviously, you will need to buy the enclosure before you pick up your bird as it will need somewhere to live straight away, and you want it to get ...

What do Blackbirds Eat?

October 20th, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes No British garden would be complete without its share of Blackbirds, a species that seems to be inextricably linked with the UK. Perhaps this is because, like the Robin, the Blackbird has been immortalised in the traditional English song, in this case the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence.

Which Parrot is Right for You?

October 17th, 2020|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Owning a parrot is an extremely rewarding experience. Parrots of all types are intelligent, fun, entertaining and engaging, and because of these qualities make fantastic companions. But with more than 400 different species to choose from, deciding which one is right for ...

A Year in the Life of a Songbird

October 12th, 2020|

Reading Time: 9 minutes A year is a long time in the life of a songbird, and a lot of events happen over that time that take their toll on the birds in your garden. Nesting, breeding, rearing young, adverse weather, all fuel a demand for high quality nutrition to ensure birds and their chicks survive everything nature throws at them.

Finch Facts – Which One is Right for You?

October 12th, 2020|

Reading Time: 7 minutes Finches are among the most diverse species of aviary birds and range from the incredible colours and beauty of the Gouldian Finch to the calmer brown hues of the Bengalese Finch, with almost every combination in between. They have a very long association with people, with the first records ...

Supporting Conservation by Adopting Exotic Bird Species

October 12th, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes Feeding time at the zoo has never been so exciting for two exotic bird species at Chester Zoo. The Pekin Robins and Wrinkled Hornbills at the charity zoo have both been officially adopted by us. We will donate bird food to the value of £3,000 to Chester Zoo each year, to help feed the large number of birds there.

Friends for Life – Parrot Lifespans Explained

October 11th, 2020|

Reading Time: 5 minutes Parrots are the longest living order of birds, so it is no surprise that how long do parrots live is a question we regularly get asked. However, it’s not always easy to answer because there is huge variation in the lifespans of the different species, and with more than 400 ...

New ‘superfood’ to Ensure Wild Birds get Enough Calcium

July 8th, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes We are really excited to be launching a new superfood to ensure wild birds get sufficient calcium in their diet. Dried Calciworms – the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly  – are a fantastic supplement to our range of premium quality wild bird feeds and typically contain around 50 times more calcium than other insects.

Johnston & Jeff Celebrates 140 years with £1m Factory Expansion

March 11th, 2020|

Reading Time: 6 minutes We are delighted to announce a £1m expansion of our factory, to help us mark our 140th anniversary celebrations. Johnston & Jeff’s Managing Director, Richard Johnston, said the expansion was the biggest investment the company had made since moving from its original premises in Hull to Gilberdyke in 2002.

No Mess, No Grow Blend to Celebrate Our 140th Anniversary

February 3rd, 2020|

Reading Time: 5 minutes To help celebrate our 140th anniversary, we have launched a limited edition No Mess, No Grow bird seed blend. The blend, our first no mess, no grow food, is nutritionally balanced and has been heat treated to ensure no seeds used in its production can germinate.

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