How our New Blending Plant Will Help us Keep up With Demand for Higher Quality, More Nutritious Bird Food

Reading Time: 5 minutes

We have a new parrot food blending plant at our manufacturing site at Gilberdyke in East Yorkshire.

The investment will increase production by 60% and builds on a £1m factory expansion completed two years ago that coincided with the company’s 140th anniversary.

Our managing director Richard Johnston, fourth generation member of the Johnston family, said the investment had been driven by increasing demand for higher quality, more nutritious blends.

Mr Johnston said: “Feeding wild birds, and companion bird ownership, increased significantly during the pandemic. This has been driven by a lot of factors.

Our managing director Richard

“With many people either working from home or being furloughed, they had chance to reflect on what is important to them. Some concluded it is doing more to help nature and wildlife, others may have made the room and time for a pet they’ve always wanted. Some have done both.

“Which ever it is, it is wonderful to see all types of birds being so popular with the public again. They are beautiful creatures to watch and engage with, and new generations are just beginning to learn that.”

Richard said the new blending plant would enable the business to increase production across the board, of both wild bird food and food for pet birds.

“The new blending plant will be used specifically for parrot and aviary blends to achieve better blending of ingredients that vary in size and shape, and to ensure a clean, thorough mix,” he said.

“This means we can dedicate our existing blending plant to making wild bird food, enabling us to increase running times and efficiency, while building on the product quality we’re renowned for.

“By adding in a second shift and some ancillary equipment, we will be able to realise an increase in production capacity of 60 per cent.”

The new blending plant, as well as a gross bag weigher, cost a total of £384,000.

We are grateful that the project was supported with £30,000 from the Hull and East Yorkshire LEP’s Growing Hull & East Yorkshire grant scheme.

Growing Hull & East Yorkshire is funded by the LEP’s Getting Building Fund programme, secured as part of the Government’s commitment to the Northern Powerhouse.

From left, Chris Grange, our commercial manager, James Newman OBE, Chair of the Hull & East Yorkshire LEP, Maddy Johnston, our marketing and media manager, and Stephen Savage, Deputy Chair of the Investment Panel

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