Bird Tables – Everything You Need to Know!


Reading Time: 9 minutes There is no garden, yard, or other outdoor space that we can think of that cannot be enhanced by a bird table. Watching and listening to the throng and chatter of a spectacular range of feathered visitors, your spirits cannot help but be lifted and your well being enhanced. It is a win-win. Peace of mind for you and a healthy, sustaining meal for the birds.

What do Robins Eat?


Reading Time: 7 minutes Robins are one of the UK’s favourite garden birds. And it is easy to see why. This gorgeous little visitor is surrounded by myth and folk law, immortalised in song, and strongly associated with that most wonderful time of the year – Christmas. They are one of tamest British birds around humans, often feeding around people seemingly without a care in the world. It is no wonder thousands of us are so keen to attract this beautiful little visitor to our gardens.

What to do if a Baby Bird Falls Out the Nest


Reading Time: 7 minutes Spring is a magical time of the year when the world re-awakens from its long winter snooze and greets us with new colour, beauty, and life. It’s also one of the best times to watch the birds in your garden as new mums and dads frantically fly around collecting enough food to raise their brood and prepare them for the biggest moment of their young lives – the day they finally leave the nest.

The Importance of Cleaning Your Bird Feeders and Tables


Reading Time: 8 minutes With lots of birds visiting your feeders and bird table on a daily basis, it is essential to keep your feeding equipment clean to avoid the risk of infection. After all, with birds being in such close contact around the feeders, if one is carrying an infection it can soon spread.

What do Blue Tits Like to Eat?


Reading Time: 7 minutes Alongside the Blackbird and the Robin, the Blue Tit must be among our most treasured garden birds. Instantly recognisable due to their multitude of colours – blues, greens, yellows, blacks and whites – they are one of the commonest and chirpiest visitors to our feeders and bird tables.

What do Blackbirds Eat?


Reading Time: 6 minutes No British garden would be complete without its share of Blackbirds, a species that seems to be inextricably linked with the UK. Perhaps this is because, like the Robin, the Blackbird has been immortalised in the traditional English song, in this case the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence.

A Year in the Life of a Songbird


Reading Time: 9 minutes A year is a long time in the life of a songbird, and a lot of events happen over that time that take their toll on the birds in your garden. Nesting, breeding, rearing young, adverse weather, all fuel a demand for high quality nutrition to ensure birds and their chicks survive everything nature throws at them.

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