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Our Recent Posts Giving Advice and Guidance on Aviary Birds

What’s Not to Love About the Colourful Lovebird?

August 26th, 2022|Comments Off on What’s Not to Love About the Colourful Lovebird?

Reading Time: 12 minutes Sometimes referred to as ‘pocket parrots’ due to their size, they are colourful, charming characters that can make adorable pets. With a name like Lovebird, it’s not surprising these are among the most popular small parrots to own.

How to Tame (Train!) Your Budgie

April 11th, 2022|Comments Off on How to Tame (Train!) Your Budgie

Reading Time: 10 minutes One question we get asked fairly often is how to tame a Budgie. We’ve always found this a bit of a strange enquiry because like most birds that live in flocks in the wild, Budgies are very sociable and enjoy human company. As such, they don’t need to be tamed per se.

Budgies – the UK’s Favourite Pet Bird

October 29th, 2020|Comments Off on Budgies – the UK’s Favourite Pet Bird

Reading Time: 7 minutes Budgies – also known as parakeets – are the most popular companion bird in the UK and it is easy to see why. These colourful little birds are every bit as intelligent as their bigger cousins, but at just seven or so inches in height, they take up much less room than an African Grey or ...